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Dua For Maghfirat | Maghfirat Ki Dua

Istighfaar means seeking forgiveness of Allah for the sins so far committed and turning repentant unto Allah

Maghfirat Dua For Parents | Dua Maghfirat


Waldain Ki Maghfirat Ki Dua | Shukar Ki Dua

Abu Malik reported on the authority of his father that when a person embraced Islam, Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) used to teach him how to observe prayer and then commanded him to supplicate in these words: O Allah, grant me pardon, have mercy upon me, direct me to the path of righteousness, grant me protection and provide me sustenance.

Dua e Qunoot

- Powerful Duas Every Muslim Should Know

- When Sad Or Depressed

- Dua for Difficult Situation

- Dua When A Loss Occurs

- Dua When The Rain Falls

- Dua After Drinking Milk

- Dua When Wearing New Clothes

- Dua When Looking In The Mirror

- Dua for Traveling

- Dua After Azaan

- Dua When Leaving A Mosque

- Dua for Entering A Mosque

- Dua When Seeing Someone Who Is Facing Any Sort Of Hardship

- Dua After Meal

- Dua When Forgetting To Recite The Dua Before Eating

- Dua Before Meal

- Dua When Entering Home

- Dua Before Leaving The House

- Dua While Performing Wuzu

- Dua After Wudu

- Dua Before Wudhu (Ablution)

- Dua For Increase In Knowledge

- Dua After Leaving The Toilet

- Dua Before Entering The Toilet

- Dua When You Wake Up

- Dua Before Sleeping

- Dua For After Life

- Dua for Patience

- Dua Seeking Allahs Forgiveness

- Dua For Strengthening your Imaan

- Dua For Purification

- Dua For Allahs Mercy

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