Based on Quran and Sunnah, to be recited after every Fard Salah. It is reported while praying Salah it was the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) to silently recite a supplication in-between the takbeer e-tahrimah (inital allahu akbar to commence salah) and Surah Fatihah. These duas are known as dua al istiftah or the opening supplication. The first and most common one that is taught is called thana. You may know it already as its the dua which begins with subhanakallahumma wabihamdika. Lets take the time to learn the complete dua. .
One of the best times to pray to Allah s.w.t. is after
performing our obligatory prayers. Whenever possible, we should take the
time to reflect on, contemplate and utter our needs before Allah s.w.t. La
ilaha illallahu wahdahu la syarika lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu, wa Huwa
'ala kulli shay-in Qadir. Allahumma la mani'a lima a'tayta, wa la mu'tiya
lima mana'ta, wa la yanfa'u zal-jaddi minkal-jaddu.
The Dua after wudu is the shahada.
Dua to praise Allah s.w.t, Dua for peace and blessings
from Allah, Dua for the remembrance of Allah, Dua to be steadfast in the
religion, Dua to seek refuge against harm, Dua to seek forgiveness, Dua for
parents, Dua for good in this world and the next, How to Offer salaat, Learn
Namaz-Prayer with Translation.