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How To Pray Namaz | How to Pray Salaat in Islam

Learn “How to Pray Namaz” in perfect way. The Prayer (Namaz/Salat) is the best worship of Allah. The Muslims around the world pray Namaz five times a day. This is a reward on the Muslims by Allah. Prayer is one of the five pillars of Islam. Namaz, Prayer or Salat, is the most important part of the Islam. Learning how to pray Namaz is an important step in the religious observance of a Muslim. Understand the importance associated with Namaz, the schedule which should be observed in regards to the prayer, and appropriate positions in which to perform Namaz so you can participate in the prayer.

It is mandatory for all Muslims to put forth attempt for understanding the implications of recitation words in Namaz as it will assist us with concentrating much better for getting benefits impeccably like we see Allah before us or he sees us remaining before him in light of the fact that during Salaat, Muslims meet their God 5 times each day so in the event that we comprehend what we are stating in Namaz, it will empower us to feel considerably more modest and converse with the Master of Universe in modesty.

Total Rakat in Five times Namaz  / Prayer / Salat: 





1. Fajr Prayer (Nimaz):

The time starts at dawn and remains effective slightly before sun rise Two Rakats Sunnat, Two Rakats Farz.

2. Dhuhr
Prayer (Nimaz):
The time begins when sun starts tilting towards west and the shadow of an object becomes equal to the size of the object. It remains effective half an hour before start of time of Salat Asr.
Four Rakats Sunnat, Four Rakats Farz, Two Rakats Sunnat, Two Rakats Nafil.

3. Asar
Prayer (Nimaz):
The time starts when the sun declines and the shadow of an object becomes double the size of the object. It remains effective till few minutes before the sunset.
Four Rakats Farz

4. Maghrib
Prayer (Nimaz):
It is recited just after sunset and the time remains effective till the afterglow remains visible in the west (twilight). (The afterglow is visible approximately 1 hour 15 minutes from the time of the sunset). But it would be much better to recite the Salat just after sun set. Three Rakats Farz, Two Rakats Sunnat, Two Rakats Nafil

5. Isha
Prayer (Nimaz):
The time starts when the afterglow in the west vanishes (end of twilight which is approximately 1 hour 15 minutes after the sunset ) It remains effective upto approximately three hours before sunrise. But it is advisable to recite it before 2/3 of the night passes away.
Four Rakats Farz, Two Rakats Sunnat, Two Rakats Nafil, Three Rakats Wajib Witr, Two Rakats Nafil

Note :  Nafil Namaz (Salah) is offer to thanks our Allah for every thing.

Say Takbeer-e-Tahrima
 Say Takbeer-e-Tahrima | Takbeerat | Pray Namaz | Pray Salah

Read Sana
Al Qayyam | Pray Namaz | Pray Salah

Say Ta’awwudh & Tasmiyya
Qayaam | Pray Namaz | Pray Salah

Recite Surah Fatiha
Surah Fateha | Pray Namaz | Pray Salah

Read Surah Al Ikhlas
Qul | Pray Namaz | Pray Salah

Perform Ruku
Ruku | Pray Namaz | Pray Salah

Stand up straight while saying this Dua
Qayyam | Pray Namaz | Pray Salah

Perform the Sajda
Sajjdah | Pray Namaz | Pray Salah

Rise to a sitting position
Tashahud | Pray Namaz | Pray Salah

Sajda Again
Sajjdah | Pray Namaz | Pray Salah

Rise up to proceed to the second rakat
Rise up to proceed to the next rakaat, saying Allahu Akbar (الله أَكْبَر). The second rakaat is identical to the first one up till the second prostration, but without the Takbiratul Ihram.
Tashahhud at the end of the second rakat
Quood | Pray Namaz | Pray Salah

Recite Durood Ibrahim in Tashahhud
Darood | Pray Namaz | Pray Salah
Darood Pak | Pray Namaz | Pray Salah

Duaa after Durood Ibrahim
Dua | Pray Namaz | Pray Salah

Say Salam two times



Dua Qunoot

Dua Qunoot


Allah humma inna nast’eenuka wa nastaghfiruka wa nu’minu bika wa natawak-kalu ‘alayka wa nuthne ‘alayk-al khayr. Wa nashkuruka wa laaa nakfuruka wa nakhla’u wa natruku man-y yafjuruka. Allah humma iyyaka na’budu wa laka nusal-lee wa nasjudu wa ilayka nas’a wa nahfidu wa narju rahmataka wa nakhsha ‘azabaka inna ‘azabaka bil kuf-fari mulhiq.





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